Dalmatian Print Pointer

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

CANNIBAL?!?!?! *part 2*

°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: lets eat every person
Hjasmine <3: haha
libby_junior: yes dear
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: in pico world
Hjasmine <3: yu cant do that
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: ofcourse i can
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: u want me to eat you?
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: rooar
libby_junior: no
Hjasmine <3: :|
libby_junior: i will eat her
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: lets eat her!
Hjasmine <3: omg
Hjasmine <3: wierd
Hjasmine <3: awkward momnent
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: you are
libby_junior: nom nom
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: *eat stomach
Hjasmine <3: :|
libby_junior: eats brains
Hjasmine <3: unexpectable
libby_junior: BRAINZ
libby_junior: good no plants here
Hjasmine <3: babish
libby_junior: brainz
libby_junior: LOLZ
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: what?!?!
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: shes gone
libby_junior: nom nom
libby_junior: oooops
libby_junior: nom nom
libby_junior: naked guy
libby_junior: >>
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: *eat lungs

libby_junior: nom nom
libby_junior: eats brainz
libby_junior: rooooaaar

°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: BWAHAHAHAHAH
libby_junior: eats guts
libby_junior: gets audi's teeth
libby_junior: >>
libby_junior: to use
libby_junior: to 

°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: *eat kidney
libby_junior: eat
libby_junior: eat feet
libby_junior: eeewww...feet stinks
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: LOL!
libby_junior: eeeeww
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: hes an hulo hulo
libby_junior: ur feet has poo
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: lets eat taht girl
libby_junior: poo of a dino

°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: wow
libby_junior: jennifer's body
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: *eat eyes*
libby_junior: u know that??
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: what?
libby_junior: eats audi
libby_junior: LOL
libby_junior: mummy
libby_junior: u know

°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: *eat butt
libby_junior: jennifer's body??
libby_junior: eats
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: nop
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: DONT RUN BEBE
libby_junior: heart
libby_junior: eats
libby_junior: Omg
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: dont run uuuhh!!
libby_junior: shez a zombie too

libby_junior: mummy
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: eat taht brown girl
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: yah?
libby_junior: do u have an entry??
libby_junior: in pico photo
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: what do u mean?
libby_junior: contest?
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: *eat hair
bia~cat: hmm?
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: i didnt join i think
libby_junior: why??

libby_junior: eats butt
libby_junior: eeww
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: coz i know i will lose
libby_junior: let's give it a try

°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: *eat poo
libby_junior: eats sandals
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: LOL!
libby_junior: eats
libby_junior: shirt

°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: eat eggs and bacon
libby_junior: LOL
libby_junior: LOL mummy
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: LOL
libby_junior: eats
libby_junior: butt
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: i think u love her butt
libby_junior: i need props ma
°˚◦Rαlρнιηα◦˚°: oh ok
libby_junior: butt and libby
libby_junior: aawww
libby_junior: we can have kids
libby_junior: LOL
 Me and libby_junior
WARNING!! if we see you..we will eat you! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! 

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